Un sorprendente affresco elettronico di 35 minuti che riprende alcune tematiche sonore dei film del regista russo Andrei Tarkovsky. D.C.G.P.: Carlo Barbagallo, Alessandro Ratoci, Alberto Prezzati, Mattia Bonafini, Riccardo Castagnola, Sam Salem, Remo De Vico New Post @ The Noja Recordings Archives: TarkHaikus
TarkHaikus was performed (8 channels version) at 57 International Festival of Contemporary Music Venice Biennale in October 2013 and as a part of the collage-concert "Omaggio ad A. Tarkovskij" by Phonologia Group (Mattia Bonafini, Remo De Vico, Alessandro Ratoci, Riccardo Castagnola, Sam Salem, Carlo Barbagallo) spazialized with the Acousmonium SATOR by Dante Tanzi at Centro Culturale San Fedele, Milan, in June 2013. Work Description by Giacomo Albert. Percussions by Stanislas Pili. Chaotic Studio - Live Laptop Improvisation (No Cuts)
Recorded November 14, 2013 at ɐrʂa.ʆa.ɲøπɘ, 105.250FM, RadioBlackOut, Torino. 4th post @ The Noja Recordings Archives Blog: NargSlig (Epacsdnal) for frequency vinyl records, granulation devices, loudspeakers, snare-drums and microphones - from 2 to n performers Studio Version: February 2013 Live Version: Stereo reduction of a 4-channels version (July 19, 2013) featuring two live performances overlapped. The first one (channels 1 & 2) was recorded at Conservatorio “G.Verdi" Torino in July 9, 2013 during rehearsals. The second one (channels 3 & 4), first public performance of the piece, was recorded at PNDA 2013 (Premio Nazionale delle Arti): Electronic Music & New Technologies, Conservatorio “D.Cimarosa" Avellino in July 11, 2013. Performers: Amedeo Casella & Carlo Barbagallo. Barbagallo + Il Fratello - Far Away Josè Gonzales Cover - Red Dead Redemption Soundtrack Free Download @ La Repubblica XL LISTEN HERE Video @ Mucchio Selvaggio SUZANNE'SILVER - THE GAME: 01. For each song there are four rounds. 02. In each round the four players plays in a different order. 03. A play/turn is a contribute of the player to the song. 04. Players can contribute inserting only one mono or stereo audio-track. 05. The content of the track can be of every kind. 06. No one can dispute the content of the others contributions. Otherwise he will be excluded by the next round. 07. Every play/turn has a deadline. 08. Who don't respect the deadline can't contribute to the song for that round. 09. The days between the deadlines are gradually less. 10. It will be done a mix for every round. 11. Only the day before the round-mix deadlines the players can suggest ideas for the mixing. 12. Round-mixes are definitive and cannot be modified. 13. Final mix of the song will be a mix of the four round-mixes. |
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June 2015