01. For each song there are four rounds.
02. In each round the four players plays in a different order.
03. A play/turn is a contribute of the player to the song.
04. Players can contribute inserting only one mono or stereo audio-track.
05. The content of the track can be of every kind.
06. No one can dispute the content of the others contributions. Otherwise he will be excluded by the next round.
07. Every play/turn has a deadline.
08. Who don't respect the deadline can't contribute to the song for that round.
09. The days between the deadlines are gradually less.
10. It will be done a mix for every round.
11. Only the day before the round-mix deadlines the players can suggest ideas for the mixing.
12. Round-mixes are definitive and cannot be modified.
13. Final mix of the song will be a mix of the four round-mixes.