NargSlig (Epacsdnal)
for frequency vinyl records, granulation devices, loudspeakers, snare-drums and microphones - from 2 to n performers
Studio Version: February 2013
Live Version: Stereo reduction of a 4-channels version (July 19, 2013) featuring two live performances overlapped. The first one (channels 1 & 2) was recorded at Conservatorio “G.Verdi" Torino in July 9, 2013 during rehearsals. The second one (channels 3 & 4), first public performance of the piece, was recorded at PNDA 2013 (Premio Nazionale delle Arti): Electronic Music & New Technologies, Conservatorio “D.Cimarosa" Avellino in July 11, 2013. Performers: Amedeo Casella & Carlo Barbagallo.