About Carlo Barbagallo
Carlo Barbagallo is a self-taught musician, composer/arranger, sound engineer & producer. He always recorded his music, experimenting the possibilities of home & studio creative recording. Through his net label Noja Recordings, sometimes with the help of italian small indipendent labels, he released his recordings, acclaimed by underground music critics. Founder member of Suzanne'Silver, Tempestine, Les Dix-Huit Secondes, La Petroliera, Redondo and CoMET (Collettivo Musica ElettroAcustica Torino); and also guest member of Albanopower, La Moncada, Tellaro; producer of UK band Loners, italian songwriter MonsieurVoltaire & co-producer of the collaborative-project In The Kennel.
04/85 - Born in Siracusa, Sicily.
12/96 - Suzanne'Silver formed.
03 - La Petroliera formed. La Petroliera disbanded. Two albums recorded. I played drums.
12/03 - Suzanne'Silver first auto-produced S/T EP recorded with Cesare Basile.
08/05 - "The Wrost Problems Project" recording sessions with friends. Only one rule: record songs together using as lyrics the points of an article read on Scaruffi's website.
06 - Redondo formed with Giovanni Fiderio (Mashrooms / Tapso II) & Vincenzo Tabacco; a project to make music for short mute movies. We played live our compositions at "La Paura Mangia L'Anima - Rassenga Audio Non Fiction", "Etnafest 06", "Strade del Cinema 06".
01/06 - "Seven Months In Three Times" solo album released.
07/06 - Tempestine formed with Lorenzo Urcillo (Colapesce / Albanopower).
08/06 - Suzanne'Silver recorded "The Crying Mary" with Sacha Tilotta (Three Second Kiss).
07 - Working on soundtracks for documentaries published in France.
01/07 - "Grey/Lady" solo album released.
04/07 - Suzanne'Silver "The Crying Mary" released by american label Radio Is Down
11/07 - "Ego-God" solo album released. Les Dix-huit Secondes formed with Lucia Urgese: a duo based on totally free improvisation and experimentation, inspired by Antonin Artaud.
03/08 - "The" solo EP released.
04/08 - Joined Albanopower (42 Records) for live shows.
04/09 - "Plays Satie" solo EP released.
07/09 - "Floppy Disk" solo album released.
03/10 - Bachelor Thesis in "Communication Sciences" (Catania); title: "In the margins of Sound Recording Technologies"
05/10 - Suzanne'Silver "Deadband" recorded at Red House Recordings with David Lenci.
09/10 - "I Remember I Dream" by Loners released by Boom Devil Records (UK). I arranged & produced the album at Vertigo Recordings Studio (SR) with Toti Valente.
11/10 - 24/42 Records released a digital preview of my album "Quarter Century": a 5 songs free download EP mastered to sound like an 80's cassette tape.
12/10 - Quarter Century solo album released: a sort of compilation of collaborations between myself and some incredible musicians. "Mellon Collie And The Infinite Power" by Albanopumpkins released: I arranged, played & recorded some songs of the release; mastered the whole album.
11 - Studied "Sound Engineering" at APM (Scuola di Alto Perfezionamento Musicale di Saluzzo - CN).
04/11 - Suzanne'Silver "La Madonna Soprattutto" released by One Hundred Dirty.
05/11 - Collaboration with Blue Record Studio (Mondovì - CN) started.
08/11 - "Live At Yoko Ono" live solo album released.
09/11 - Collaboration with Damigiano Booking & Grandiosa started. Joined La Moncada (Goat Man Records).
11/11 - "Quarter Century" Limited Edition Cassette released by Bloody Sound Fucktory.
12 - Starting studies at Scuola di Musica Elettronica, Conservatorio di Torino.
01/12 - Suzanne'Silver "Deadband" LP released by Radio Is Down.
03/12 - In The Kennel Project started in collaboration with Goat Man Records.
04/12 - Suzanne'Silver EU Tour.
05/12 - Acousmatic piece "Studio su Schaeffer No.1" was selected to appear as part of ICMC2012 Music Program.
07/12 - Producing MonsieurVoltaire
08/12 - Lauch the blog The NOJA RECORDINGS Archives
09/12 - Selected for Centro Culturale San Fedele (Milano) Prize Phonologia for Electronic Music Young Composers.
01/12 - Suzanne'Silver started "The Game" by a Noja Recordings idea.
02/13 - Founding member of CoMET (Collettivo di Musica ElettroAcustica di Torino).
03/13 - "Blue Record" solo album released.
04/13 - Suzanne'Silver EU Tour.
06/13 - Winner of Prize Phonologia for Electronic Music Young Composers
07/13 - "NargSlig" performed at PNDA 2013: Electronic Music & New Technologies
10/13 - "TarkHaikus" performed at 57 International Festival of Contemporary Music 2013, Venice Biennale. "A1" performed at Emufest, International Electroacoustic Music Festival, Roma.
12/13 - "Traversing the Inside of Gertrude's Vibrating Anatomy" featured as one of the 10 best experimental music tracks of PIARS (Premio Internazionale Arti Sonore) 2013.
01/14 - "Haiku EP" released in The Haiku Project EP Series by Subterranean Tide.
06/14 - "La danza degli specchi" for percussions & electronics was candidate to be included in the music program of the ICMC/SMC 2014
10/14 - "Dal Sottosuolo" (for voice, NISC (NoInputSoundCard) & tape) performed at XX CIM 2014 - Paper "Ricostruire Nono" presented at XX CIM 2014
01/15 - Stereodischi published a limited edition CD titled "Barbagallo 2015", a selection curated by the label featuring 13 tracks from Barbagallo's discography with previously unreleased ones.
02/15 - Impro Net-Releases for Noja Recordings & Studiolo Laps featuring Alessandro Rizzo, Remo De Vico, Quartetto Maurice, Mika Vainio, Olympian Gossip, Andrea Valle, Michele Anelli
03/15 - Suzanne'Silver "Like Lazarus" Released + EU Tour
04/85 - Born in Siracusa, Sicily.
12/96 - Suzanne'Silver formed.
03 - La Petroliera formed. La Petroliera disbanded. Two albums recorded. I played drums.
12/03 - Suzanne'Silver first auto-produced S/T EP recorded with Cesare Basile.
08/05 - "The Wrost Problems Project" recording sessions with friends. Only one rule: record songs together using as lyrics the points of an article read on Scaruffi's website.
06 - Redondo formed with Giovanni Fiderio (Mashrooms / Tapso II) & Vincenzo Tabacco; a project to make music for short mute movies. We played live our compositions at "La Paura Mangia L'Anima - Rassenga Audio Non Fiction", "Etnafest 06", "Strade del Cinema 06".
01/06 - "Seven Months In Three Times" solo album released.
07/06 - Tempestine formed with Lorenzo Urcillo (Colapesce / Albanopower).
08/06 - Suzanne'Silver recorded "The Crying Mary" with Sacha Tilotta (Three Second Kiss).
07 - Working on soundtracks for documentaries published in France.
01/07 - "Grey/Lady" solo album released.
04/07 - Suzanne'Silver "The Crying Mary" released by american label Radio Is Down
11/07 - "Ego-God" solo album released. Les Dix-huit Secondes formed with Lucia Urgese: a duo based on totally free improvisation and experimentation, inspired by Antonin Artaud.
03/08 - "The" solo EP released.
04/08 - Joined Albanopower (42 Records) for live shows.
04/09 - "Plays Satie" solo EP released.
07/09 - "Floppy Disk" solo album released.
03/10 - Bachelor Thesis in "Communication Sciences" (Catania); title: "In the margins of Sound Recording Technologies"
05/10 - Suzanne'Silver "Deadband" recorded at Red House Recordings with David Lenci.
09/10 - "I Remember I Dream" by Loners released by Boom Devil Records (UK). I arranged & produced the album at Vertigo Recordings Studio (SR) with Toti Valente.
11/10 - 24/42 Records released a digital preview of my album "Quarter Century": a 5 songs free download EP mastered to sound like an 80's cassette tape.
12/10 - Quarter Century solo album released: a sort of compilation of collaborations between myself and some incredible musicians. "Mellon Collie And The Infinite Power" by Albanopumpkins released: I arranged, played & recorded some songs of the release; mastered the whole album.
11 - Studied "Sound Engineering" at APM (Scuola di Alto Perfezionamento Musicale di Saluzzo - CN).
04/11 - Suzanne'Silver "La Madonna Soprattutto" released by One Hundred Dirty.
05/11 - Collaboration with Blue Record Studio (Mondovì - CN) started.
08/11 - "Live At Yoko Ono" live solo album released.
09/11 - Collaboration with Damigiano Booking & Grandiosa started. Joined La Moncada (Goat Man Records).
11/11 - "Quarter Century" Limited Edition Cassette released by Bloody Sound Fucktory.
12 - Starting studies at Scuola di Musica Elettronica, Conservatorio di Torino.
01/12 - Suzanne'Silver "Deadband" LP released by Radio Is Down.
03/12 - In The Kennel Project started in collaboration with Goat Man Records.
04/12 - Suzanne'Silver EU Tour.
05/12 - Acousmatic piece "Studio su Schaeffer No.1" was selected to appear as part of ICMC2012 Music Program.
07/12 - Producing MonsieurVoltaire
08/12 - Lauch the blog The NOJA RECORDINGS Archives
09/12 - Selected for Centro Culturale San Fedele (Milano) Prize Phonologia for Electronic Music Young Composers.
01/12 - Suzanne'Silver started "The Game" by a Noja Recordings idea.
02/13 - Founding member of CoMET (Collettivo di Musica ElettroAcustica di Torino).
03/13 - "Blue Record" solo album released.
04/13 - Suzanne'Silver EU Tour.
06/13 - Winner of Prize Phonologia for Electronic Music Young Composers
07/13 - "NargSlig" performed at PNDA 2013: Electronic Music & New Technologies
10/13 - "TarkHaikus" performed at 57 International Festival of Contemporary Music 2013, Venice Biennale. "A1" performed at Emufest, International Electroacoustic Music Festival, Roma.
12/13 - "Traversing the Inside of Gertrude's Vibrating Anatomy" featured as one of the 10 best experimental music tracks of PIARS (Premio Internazionale Arti Sonore) 2013.
01/14 - "Haiku EP" released in The Haiku Project EP Series by Subterranean Tide.
06/14 - "La danza degli specchi" for percussions & electronics was candidate to be included in the music program of the ICMC/SMC 2014
10/14 - "Dal Sottosuolo" (for voice, NISC (NoInputSoundCard) & tape) performed at XX CIM 2014 - Paper "Ricostruire Nono" presented at XX CIM 2014
01/15 - Stereodischi published a limited edition CD titled "Barbagallo 2015", a selection curated by the label featuring 13 tracks from Barbagallo's discography with previously unreleased ones.
02/15 - Impro Net-Releases for Noja Recordings & Studiolo Laps featuring Alessandro Rizzo, Remo De Vico, Quartetto Maurice, Mika Vainio, Olympian Gossip, Andrea Valle, Michele Anelli
03/15 - Suzanne'Silver "Like Lazarus" Released + EU Tour